I like the love the sea and the shore share.
The mighty sea travels with his companions; boats, sailors and the sea creatures together visit many destinations. When he gets tired from all his travels, he comes to the seashore and crashes down onto her, surrendering everything that he has. The seashore keeps her arms wide open when he reaches for her, to soothe his tired body and take away his pain. The moment he is relieved of his pain, he longs to go back, and the seashore lets him go.
Author: Nivedita Vedurla
Publisher: Invincible Publishers
Rating: 4/5
Do you know the love story that the sea shares with the sea shore? The mighty sea travels with his companions; boats, sailors and the sea creatures together visit many destinations. When he gets tired from all his travels, he comes to the sea shore, and crashes down onto her, surrendering everything that he has. The sea shore keeps her arms wide open when he reaches for her, to soothe his tired body and take away his pain. The moment he is relieved of his pain, he longs to go back, and the seashore lets him go. The love that Arun and Esha share is just like that between the sea and the sea shore. Their relationship is short and leaves Arun devastated. Could he have found love only to lose it all to fate? Will he survive the loss? The answers take him back to Esha, and to the realization that love comes in many forms. This story is a journey to love through friendship, from loss to hope.
I loved the title and cover of the book. It’s attractive and eye catchy. The plot that author set is amazing and out of the box. It’s full of surprises, romance, love and childhood memories. You’ll surely remember your school days while reading this book. The book connects reader very well from the start and is full of twists and turns. The pace of the story is also good, it’s smooth. The tempo of a story is amazingly full of suspense, emotions, mystery, and love. It describes the best phase of one’s life. From school days to corporate life. everything is described very well. I loved how the author described each and every characters. I loved Esha’s character and her Personality. Although Arun’s character was No less. The simple language that author used made this story more interesting as one can visualize it really well. It finished it in one go. This story has deep meaning and can change one’s life, one’s point of view on Love, on Life.
Overall Good characters, amazing plot, full of emotions, Simple language and love made this story an interesting one.
It’s a sweet, light read. If you love reading fiction, Do not skip this one.
You can get your copy here.
***I received this copy from the author in exchange for honest and unbiased review***