There’s a thing about Love… It demands to be expressed
Express yourself..time can play its turn anytime
Author: Anamika Mishra
Publishers: Westland Books
Ratings: 4/5
A story that I finished in One Go! I too interesting. For the sake of love, a love story of Jasmine and David. We experience the old 90s love of exchanging letters. And there’s a story that happens over letters. I loved the way how the author used the backdrop of the story. we can easily visualize each and every incident mentioned. The writing style of the author impressed me, it’s simple and captivating. The way author described Twisha’s and Alex characters was outstanding. not only them but each and every character played and important part, especially David’s character. The only thing that I didn’t like has the author mentioned David’s letters in between story which confused me. It should have been all letters first and then Twisha’s story. Because of letter’s coming in between, it breaks concentration as it pops up suddenly. I really connected very well with the personality of Twisha. The tempo of the story is also good as there’s suspense element every time. It also makes us curious to know what will happen next. The pace of the story set by the author is also light and quick. Characters are described very well and the plot is too good. I loved the way author described the beauty of every single place.
-Good characterization and plot
– Proper Narration with twists which generates curiosity.
-Simple and interesting language
-A beautiful Story.
It’s a tale full of Hope, faith, friendship, Trust a, d Love. I would recommend everyone to read this quick, beautiful story of Love.
You can get your copy here.
*** I received this copy from author in exchange for honest and unbiased review***