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Website or Blog? Make a Wise Decision.

  • Post author:
  • Post category:Blogging 101
  • Post last modified:March 31, 2020
  • Reading time:4 mins read
We all started our journey with a Blog right? A place where we express ourselves. A place we call it ours, a place where we convey what we feel. The facts, the stories, the experience, we Tell it all right?
In this time of Quarantine, we are all struggling, thinking about how we can grow, how we can make the best use of this time, to what we can do to keep our audience engaged.
From content churning to creating a graphic, From listing ideas to making our Social media game strong, we are doing every possible thing to make our blog stand different.
Isn’t it true? Now it’s the time to think, are we doing it in a correct way? Are we gaining anything from what we’re doing? This is the time to make the right choice.
A Website, We all get confused between Website and Blog, Isn’t it?. We have a blog, we don’t need a website. It’s the same right?, I am not a techie person so a blog is easy, Websites are too Expensive, blogs are better. I always get such answers whenever I ask someone to switch your blog to website. But but but, Let me burst the bubble of Myths. Blog and website are similar but not the same.
A blog is a type of website but not a Website. My journey too started with a Blog where I had 30K visitors, After 4 Years, when I decided to switch to a website, I knew it was the real struggle because I had to start everything from the scratch. Imagine… from 30K to 0 visitors, It’s terrible to think right? when we nurtured a blog for years and now suddenly everything from the Scratch, But then I knew It was all worth. Because, on Blog, I earned 30K visitors in 4 Years, whereas on website I earned 50k visitors in a year.
  I knew that It will boost up my profile. And with a leap of faith, I did it and I don’t regret. Having a Website has its own Pros and Cons. And I am enjoying the Pros and dealing with the cons effectively.
The Transformation from a blog to a website feels like a baby growing up. Seriously!!!  Well, you must be thinking, I am a blogger, why I switched to a website?  Well, there are so many things which we cannot control on our blog, most importantly Appearance. There are many other things that made me switch to a website.
  • Blog is made on Wordpress, Blogger and many other platforms where you don’t have Much control, whereas with website is  self hosted.
Want to know the difference? Check my Blog and this website. You can check. 
  • You cannot use Plugins or customize widgets. 
  • Blogs are not as user friendly as Website when it comes to layout, appearance or services. 
  • In  Blog, you can only use specific themes without much customization.
 There are so many things like AMC, Plugins, Customizations which we will be talking about in further posts.Think about it, make a Decision now. Incoming posts, I will be telling the reasons.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. paheliyaninhindi

    thank u so much sir for this helpful information..

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