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Book Review of The Stranger’s Bedroom By Bijoy Munshi

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  • Post category:Book Review
  • Post last modified:August 12, 2020
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Author: Bijoy Munshi
Publisher:  WorditCDE

Narration / Story Line
Cover / Title


It’s a good book with an interesting storyline. It’s for the readers who want to read a light and a quick read.



The stranger’s bedroom by Bijoy Munshi is a story of Ravish, a famous author meets with an accident, where we meet Neha.

It’s a simple story with an interesting plot that would be loved by readers who want to explore this genre. It’s a good story with crisp and engaging narration, filled with drama. Based on the theme of Love and friendship, this story will remind you of your college days and friends.
It’s a story of first love, the emotions, wonderfully described by the author. The easy language and the lucid writing style of the author make this story more interesting.

I loved how the author developed the characters. One could relate well. Overall, it’s a good book with an interesting storyline. It’s for the readers who want to read a light and a quick read.

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Imagine waking up on a stranger’s bed remembering nothing of your past. Ravish does, and is warmly greeted by Neha. He has been muttering two names in his sleep: Kriti and Rohan. Ravish is an introvert associated with the technology world. Neha is an outrageously curious woman and a firm optimist.What brings them together? Who are Kriti and Rohan and what’s their story?Welcome to this tale of emotions and the fight against consequences of our desire.

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