Book Review: White Noise by Shruti Upadhaya

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  • Post category:Book Review
  • Post last modified:November 22, 2017
  • Reading time:4 mins read

The promise of numerous shared tomorrows.
There’s something about love stories they keep passion and pain alive in us in equal measure.

Author: Shruti Upadhaya 
Publisher: Bee Books
Ratings: 3/5


“There is another city right under our city and it comes up only when you and I are together. Only you and I know about it and only you and I get to experience it. It keeps itself hidden from the rest of the world. And that is where I live.” He said 
“And what happens when you’re not with me?” She asked. 
“I evaporate.” He smiled. 


Well, I finished this book in one go. It’s all about how one person can have so much impact on our lives, it’s all about devastation, faith, love, and Hope.  The plot is divided into three parts Me, Her and Him. I loved how the author has described various aspects describing feelings. There are various lines which I loved when the author has described fiction. The story is good but it gets confusing when plot suddenly shifts to past. That’s where I got lil disturbed as the author has managed to connect with the reader from the very first page and we can actually visualize each and every single thing. The end, I loved it, it was something unpredictable. The characters that author build was totally amazing.  Each and every character had their own importance in the story. The plot is totally natural and the end is unpredictable, the way author used analogies added charm to the story. The Pace of story was also good as the author has used simple language which again makes a read more beautiful. The author also manages to add twists and turns every time.  It’s a completely new face of love story, a thriller one. The narrating style of the author is simple and interesting. The cover of the book and title is too impressive. it gives a hint of the thriller genre.

It’s an unusual read that I would recommend everyone. It’s full of Suspense, Romance, and LOVE.

You can Get your copy here.

***I received copy of book from publisher in exchange for honest and unbiased review***

Blog by Vidhya Thakkar

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