Lettering has always helped me to calm myself. It’s the best mental exercise one can do. It gives positivity. Isn’t it?
Do read about Lettering here.
Similarly, I came across Blackout Poetry. All thanks to Deepak. Thank you for introducing me to this.
Blackout Poetry
They say art is Therapy! indeed it is. Blackout poetry is one such art which helps one to discover themselves. It improves creativity and is the best exercise for the mind, to explore ourselves. One evolves when they do this. Its type of a healing activity, a Therapy. It’s a wonderful experience one can have when they do it.
Do try it out once after reading this article!
What is BlackOut Poetry?
Blackout poetry focuses on rearranging words to create a different meaning. It is when a page of text/Article is blacked out except for a select few words. and these words make a story. It’s your own creation of Poetry from an article/Text page.
How to do it?
1: Select an Article and other Materials
Select an Article/ NewsPaper/ Page from a book that you would like to work on. Use Old books, Magazines, NewsPapers for the same. Other than that you need Pencil and Black marker. (You can also use black Paint for the same)
2: Search for words
This is one of the most important steps. Search for words from your Article. Do not read the article at first, start selecting words Randomly. Try to create your unique poem. If you can’t find one from that article, Switch to another article. It’s Okay if you are taking time. Sometimes you may find words Immediately, and sometimes it will take time, Do not stress, feel free, take your own time.
3: Its BlackOut Time
Once you’re confident with the words you have selected, Blackout the other words with Marker or Paint. Bingo! Now you have your own Unique Poetry. You can even add drawings, abstract to make it more creative.
This is how Blackout Poetry is done. The joy when you complete it is something Different.
Are you trying to do blackout poetry? Use #Positiveblackoutpoem .
Blackout poetry is all about creativity and one evolves when they do. It’s like finding a different meaning from a passage.
I have learned something new today. Must read more about this!
This is absolutely new and fab thing! A good source of inspiration too.
Thank you for introducing this art form Vidhya. I would have loved to read your “Black Out Poetry” creations.
I’ve never heard of black out poetry. Am so glad I came across this super fun activity. Thank you:)
#MyFriendAlexa #literarylehareads
Do try it! it’s Fun
This is the first time I am reading about this! This is new to me and seems an interesting take on poetry! Good one Vidhya!