She walks in beauty, like the nightOf cloudless climes and starry skies,And all that’s best of dark and brightMeet in her aspect and her eyes…-Lord Byron
Author: Sanjeev Ranjan
Publisher: Srishti Publishers
Ratings: 3/5
Some say all love stories are the same.
A boy meets a girl and they fall in love eventually. But is that where the story ends? What about the journey they make together, the feelings they share and the moments they live?
Aarush is a reticent boy who has dreams of making it to a premier engineering college. Staying away from home and working hard towards his dreams, he falls in love under strange circumstances. That too, truly, madly, deeply.
Can love happen at sixteen or is it just a passing infatuation?
A true yet unusual emotional love saga, In Course of True Love explores the reality of puppy love and plumbs its depth, its warmth and its true meaning.
Well, I have read both the editions of this book. The only difference that I found was a change in name from Achanakya to Ashima. The teenage love story of Aarush and Ashima is a short and sweet read. The plot is good, simple and so is the narration. Though the book has a lot of grammatical errors. This is a story of love, romance, and friendship. Out of all, I like Ritika’s Character the most. She stood there as a true friend, a true companion. The Language is simple which captures your attention. Even the characters were Okayish as Ashima was seen as proudy and the way she told that she should not have done friendship with middle-class boy. And Aarush always being helpless and begging. The only character that I Liked was Ritika’s character. This book is a teenage love story, every teenager can feel the pain that Aarush went through. Late night calls, eagerness to meet your love, That helplessness when you can’t talk to your love, That fear of losing your love etc. This book is for teenagers who like reading love stories. It was a kiddish read for me.
This book is quick and easy read. and for Teenagers!
You can get your copy here.
Though I have read other books by this author, I liked Just the way we are the most!
*** I received this copy from publishers in exchange for honest and Unbiased review***
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Keep up the exceptional work !! Lovin’ it!
Thanks very valuable. Will share website with my buddies.