Darkest of coals reveal shiniest of Diamonds.
Author: Sarang Mahajan
Publisher: Gloryburg Publishers
Rating: 4/5
Inkredia – Luwan of Brida by Sarang Mahajan is a story of Meg and Luwan who runs from Brida to city. They have a treasure box that guides them. The story revolves around the challenges that they face until they reach the city.
The plot of the story is super Interesting with lots of twists and turns. The narration of the story is crisp and engaging keeping the reader hooked. A fantasy book that you will love to read. It’s a roller coaster ride that you’ll enjoy throughout.
The language of the story is simple and smooth. The writing style of the author is Lucid and Gripping. The excitement of what will happen next is present till the very end. Themes like adventure, Love, humanity, mystery are used by the author.
The way the events were happening in the sequence is wonderful. The story builds great with every chapter. The Dialogues, Drama, everything is up to the point. One can relate to the story from the very first page. The story is fast paced and the flow of the story is crisp. The characters that the author made are strong and amazing. The title and the cover of the book are apt.
A strong plot, crisp narration and a well-written story. Overall, Its a wonderful story with lots of fun. A fantasy read that you Must read.
Love reading fantasy? Go for it.
You can get your copy here
When Luwan finds himself in a grave danger, he has to make a daring choice. The village that kept him safe all these years can’t protect him anymore. Either he can stay and die or he can step into the dangerous world outside and make journey to a city that will keep him and his sister safe. But there is a good chance that this journey itself will kill him. He sets out, but only to find that his peril is far greater than his calculations. He heads into a mysterious new enemy, a band of legendary assassins that are sent to bring down men of great power. Luwan is clueless why they are after his head, but they don’t offer him the luxury to find an answer to that question. He is thrown into a relentless run across a great distance. As he travels, he learns about the fascinating places in Inkredia, about powerful relics and… about the dark side of Inkredia. He faces the great force of Ilmor that gives birth to incredible nonhumans, the demons that he must face. Little does Luwan know that he is part of a great conspiracy that shall shake the entire kingdom of Fal Doram, a vast land best known as… Inkredia. What is the force of Ilmor? Can Luwan protect his sister against such powerful enemies? Will he find answers to all the mysteries? Order your copy to find all the answers.
this is looking like an interesting read. thanks for sharing it with great review. will try to read it. #surbhireads
yes it is amazing