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Celebrating 5 Years of reader_viddh with Social Ketchup – Featured

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  • Post last modified:August 5, 2022
  • Reading time:7 mins read

5 things celebrating 5 years of Vidhya Thakkar’s page ‘reader_viddh’

Here’s celebrating the extraordinary milestone of Indian blogger Vidhya Thakkar’s page, ‘reader_viddh‘ on completing 5 years.

It is always incredible to see people succeed in something that they love. 5 years ago when Indian blogger Vidhya Thakkar started her Instagram page ‘reader_viddh’ dedicating it to her love of books, she wouldn’t have imagined the success that it has achieved over the years. Today the Vidhya Thakkar’s page turned 5 years and we cannot be happier than to share the joy with her.

Vidhya Thakkar is an enthusiast who found her love for books staying true to her name. She is a book blogger and reviewer who is trying to spread positivity and a love for books with people. Vidhya’s love for books continues to grow as she introduces and recommends quality books to her followers. She has been engaging her followers by taking suggestions, arranging giveaways and turning her page into a happy place for every bibliophile. Over the years she has been recognised for her work proving that people valued her reviews on each book she recommended or was sent to her by authors. She describes her page reader_vidhh as the safest place where she could express myself.

As part of her 5 year anniversary, we had a chat with her and made a list of 5 things that people should know about Vidhya Thakkar’s page and around everything she likes.

How did your content creation journey begin?

“Well, it was an impromptu decision to start a book blog. I already had a blog for the last 7 years where I use to add my poems and experiences. Once while travelling I added a picture on Instagram with a book and that was when I came across a hashtag called BOOKSTAGRAM. the term intrigued me and I decided to explore the term that’s how my account reader_viddh was born. And my content creation journey begins.”

How has your content evolved over time, especially with the popularity of short-video platforms?

Well, this platform is more for me where I expressed myself, my thoughts and opinions. Over the time I shared about plants, journals, and positivity along with books which gained attention. The key is to find your niche and share what you feel. I add poetries, and experiences as well.

How have books helped you express yourself?

“Books made me calmer and wiser I would say. They gave me the confidence to express myself.”

Any quote that always motivates you.

Passion Rules us all, always.

Have you received any DM from your followers that stayed with you?

“There are many but this particular one stayed with me. Vidhya, your posts give me hope and your account is a true example of never giving up and growth takes its own time. You inspire me. Keep writing and sharing what you love!”

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