About The Author
Dr. Jyoti, through this unique and inimitable effort titled Tackling Failure And Life Simplified, has attempted to put forth her feelings, emotions and experiences gained over the years.
She has been painstakingly honest iSelf n conveying her thoughts on a plethora of issues and subjects that we tend to deal with in our day-to-day life. Various aspects on which the author has delved upon and explored in depth include destiny, happiness, dreams, emotions, failures, fearlessness et el. She had done justice to each one of them in a manner that is unpretentiously modest and simple so that readers can associate themselves with these issues.
She is precise in highlighting that those certain moments may well be overwhelming or devastating for people to grapple with their feelings and emotions; it may even derail them from their usual course. Dr. Jyoti attempts to recommend ways to cope with such moments. The author, by no means, suggests any cut-and-dry solutions but takes you along to show that each of these challenges can be surmounted.
The book certainly will find a place in the hearts and minds of the readers.
Q) Tell us about the idea behind the book?
There is a lot of suffering and feeling of despair in many people and I felt that the solutions are just around the corner, sometimes a little guidance and support saying that you are not the only one, is enough to scale it. In my book I have provided simple doable solutions to tackle every situation. the book is about elevating the human being making the reader feel powerful and in control of their lives. it is about positivity.
Q) How much time did it take in the process of writing?
It took me around 18 months to write the book but it has experiences and learning of a lifetime.
Q) What did the process of writing this book teach you?
Apart from the intricacies of publication and other procedures, writing this book made me realize how important it is to have guidelines and some book to tell you how to be brave. Especially the part regarding patriarchy and domestic abuse where things are so intermingled with the mindset and culture that women may not realise how slowly they are deprived of the basic right of freedom. This book is useful for all age groups because during the book’s writing, the day-to-day happenings inspired me to do more research.
Q) What inspired you to write this book?
The inspiration to write came from the day-to-day happenings and events where thought people were giving up hope too early. whenever I hear of a woman being abused, a teenager giving up his or her life, I felt the victims need to know about their right to survive or at least protect themselves from such situations. the lack of confidence is to be tackled somehow…so I wrote this book for everyone’s sake.
Q) Which is your favourite part from the book?
My favourite part of the book is where I dealt with emotions and self-confidence.
Q) A book that had an impact on you, which helped you in writing this one?
I have read many books of philosophy, Vedas, and self-help books by multiple authors in the past along with several videos etc, but no single author or book has inspired me. the book has been written based on my knowledge and experiences with many people over so many years. since I am a medical professional, I got an insight into people’s lives and wanted to offer practical, solutions
Q) Tell us about your plans? Planning a new book?
I am planning my next book but since it is still in the preliminary stage, I am not able to give many details. however, I have already published two books in the past- THE DOWRY DEATH- and Life’s Musings connecting life with nature. (a collection of poems)
Q) How your life changed after the book was published?
The publication of the book has given me the status of being an author, it was widely appreciated by my colleagues and most importantly, after seeing the response and impact it has had on people, I am encouraged to write more.
Q) What is a literary success for you?
literary success means when my readers feel satisfied and elevated and good after reading my book and better still if they are able to get some positive change in their lives or in the lives of their beloved. there is a tendency of many authors to talk about how to succeed but very few talk about failures which are so common and really annoying. the steps that humans take when faced with failures are the ones that define the future, so I wanted to reach that part of human life when people need help. if my book is liked by many and I get the right feed backs I will expand my range and reach out to many…that is literary success for me.
Q) A message for all the readers.
Firstly I would like to thank my readers and secondly request them to spread the word around in case they like it so that solutions reach even those people who have not been able to read. the book is about entitlement and empowerment in all phases. the book is about thankfulness and enjoying life. being happy and contended is both a right and duty…..my take-home message is to get the best out of our lives, because whatever good we can do, we must because what we cannot we anyway cannot.
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