About the Author:
SWAPNIL, is an entrepreneur having over 30 years of experience in diverse businesses he has created successfully. As an entrepreneur, he was challenged to take compelling decisions and he chose riskier options with conviction, which lead him to create financial independence and attain fulfilment in his career and Life.
His endeavour is to create significance in this short span of Life and he strives to reach out to the less fortunate people by distributing food hampers every month through his own foundation which cares for the well being of cancer patients. This book gives a glimpse of the events and people who came in his Life and inspired him to completely transform his thought process to lead a life of exuberance and abundance.
Q) Tell us about the idea behind the book?
A) In the 30 years of conducting and managing diverse businesses which I had created, I wanted to share my experiences, events and the people who came in my Life and inspired me to lead a Life of exuberance and abundance. I was screaming to write this book for a long time but due to my daily schedule of managing diverse businesses, could not do so. And the pandemic happened last year which gave me ample of time to really sit back and contemplate on my life lived so far. Hence decided to use this opportunity to my advantage to the fullest and completed this book.
Q) How much time did it take in the process of writing?
A) It took me around one and half years to complete the book and another two months to publish the same.
Q) What did the process of writing this book teach you?
A) Actually I never thought that I could be an author in the initial stages of my Life. But as Life passed by and the various obstacles and challenges that I could surpass with total determination and application of willpower, taught me how to lead life powerfully and create possibilities in my Life. The process of putting down all the thoughts and emotions in words was the toughest part as I had to really go deep down memory lane to bring out each experience as it happened and this has really helped in making me understand the power of each word and the expression behind each emotion the way it is mentioned in my book YOUR NEXT SELF.
Q) What inspired you to write this book?
A) The inspiration was to share my thoughts, experiences and events which turned my life around with people which could impact their lives and maybe they can tread a different path to lead their lives more positively and successfully.
Q) 5 books one must read in a lifetime
A) 1. GREATNESS GUIDE by Robin Sharma.
2. THINK AND GROW RICH by Napolean Hill.
4. WHO WILL CRY WHEN YOU DIE by Robin Sharma.
5. DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF by Richard Carlson
Q) A book that had an impact on you, which helped you in writing this one?
A) I can’t name one book, but I have listed a few of them in the earlier question and many others on spirituality and Mindfulness which has inspired my writing.
Q) Tell us about your publishing journey in 5 words.
A) Each step was a learning experience to publish my book YOUR NEXT SELF, But It was made easy by my publisher Notion press publications.
Q) Tell us about your plans? Planning a new book?
A) Currently the plan is to market YOUR NEXT SELF and make it available in India and Internationally to maximum readers as possible. As of now, I have emptied myself thoroughly in the first book. Yes, I shall plan for the next one in the due course of time.
Q) How your life changed after the book was published?
A) I have been getting a lot of appreciation mails and messages on whatsapp and people have liked my book immensely as they say that it has made them think differently about their life and it is leading them to a path of self-discovery. I feel immense satisfaction when your hard work gets recognition and to know that I am able to change someone’s life because of the thoughts and ideas expressed in my book.
Q)What is a literary success for you?
A) If my book could transform the lives of my readers and if they could create a metamorphosis in themselves to create and live a life full of passion, enthusiasm and meaning, I would be the happiest person and that would my definition of success.
Q) A message for all the readers.
A) We have been given this One Life. Make your story and existence on this planet the most memorable One. Before leaving this planet, indulge yourself fully with Life, destroy your comfort zones, and absorb Life to the fullest. Au Revoir.