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Letter to my Husband by Priyanka Nair – #LettersofLove

Dear husband,

I don’t say it often but you add colors to my life with your never-ending support. As a wife, I thought I only need your love and care to strengthen this relationship but you, my beloved, have been a major source of support and encouragement and my life support system.

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The amount of time and hard work I put in my writing could not have been possible without you, you identified my passion and helped me by letting me follow it.

You bring sunshine to my day, as it starts with your loving smile which keeps me going throughout the day, in between household chores, raising a toddler, managing a blog and studying, you are the ultimate corner of peace in my life.

The beauty of our relationship lies in deep trust we have in each other and we accept each other the way we are. A little complete and bit incomplete, yet we complement each other.

You are my dream, my love, my life, and my best friend. I just want to spend my life with you, being by your side, reading books together, having those endless conversations sipping that amazing black coffee, enjoying our midnight chats. I want to grow old watching all the Netflix series with you and I know you want the same.

In the end, I would just say life is short and I want to make every moment memorable and enjoyable. I love you and I am grateful to have you in my life. 

Thank you for adding light to my life.

Your’s loving
wife :)

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Priyanka Nair

    Thank you Vidhya ?

    1. vidhya thakkar


  2. Noor Anand Chawla

    How adorable!

    1. vidhya thakkar


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