Uninvited Past !

  • Post author:
  • Post category:Mad Moments
  • Post last modified:November 13, 2014
  • Reading time:3 mins read
“Past” when it comes to past millions of memories flash back and it takes you to the best time of your life. How even a single thing can perfectly hit to remember you so many things.
PAST – “Passed Away Sweet Times”

“Past the only thing which can break you and brings you to reality how much time have changed”,How people changed and yeah, How much you changed.
But as it i said “Show must go on” Same way life must go on with or without people. It’s upto you how you accept it.
Past teach us and make us learn that we can’t have all the things we want and we must accept it happily what comes to us.

“Everyone who has gone through something they never thought they would survive. .but emerged out of it stronger,taught to Welcome change with open hands and emerging more stronger”

Dear past,
please don’t Last
Don’t last anymore
It hurts to the core

It was sour and bitter
it flatterd me little
but I survived,
i survived with it’s memories
Which gave a lot of worries

Past please don’t last
I wanaa be free
without any worry.
it gave many nightmares
but now Life is fare.

Please be away
from my way
I don’t want memories back
I again don’t wana get trap
I found back my fallen crown
i don’t want it again to get down

Dear past
please don’t last
it’s hard to face you now
after deep hurt that I found
I survived and fought
now again I don’t wana get caught
please be away
There’s door that way
Now I have my way
I will start a new Day.

“All those who had gotten away while showing what life means”-
Wipe your tears,lift up your head, Smile Because the show must go on !

Blog by Vidhya Thakkar

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Khushboo - The PRINCESS

    Past will let go of you wen you have learnt d message it gave, unless u do that, it has tendency to repeat itself

    Your present will be your past in future, so try to live beautiful present

    "Your future has ability to redeem your past "

  2. Life and it's tales | ViDhya

    So True Khushboo di :)

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