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Versions Of Reality by Karuna Sinh – Book Review

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  • Post category:Book Review
  • Post last modified:September 15, 2022
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Author: Karuna Sinh
Publisher: Bluerose Publishers Pvt. Ltd

Writing Style


Love reading poetry? You’ll love this one. A light, breezy read that you can pick. Witness the versions of reality with these enchanting poems.



The versions of reality for each one of us are different, each one of us is fighting a battle, showing up and living the dam dream.

•Every Tragedy faced leaves a trail of a new beginning
Life is like a thread that needs spinning
Build a world with a new direction
While picking up the broken pieces of destruction.•

Some poems hits hard like a reality, some are the like the calmness in the chaos making us stronger and better and this is one such book. The versions of reality by Karuna.sinh is a collection of 25 beautiful poems based on various themes like love, positivity, hope, spirituality and others.

Karuna with her words wins the reader’s heart. Her writing style is pleasant and refreshing, dwelling readers to the world of emotions. The depth and the calmness in her words will make you fall for this book.

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Loved the way she expresses the emotion, in each poem you will find a wandering soul searching for inner happiness, in the chaos of reality.

A poem like a world so real will tell us about the desires of our hearts while A seeking soul tells about finding the truth behind the mask of a smile. Sorrow the unloved child tells about the Pain while A peaceful sleep tells a story of a Soldier. Read between the lines and you’ll discover a story behind each poem.

The poems are free verse and a reader’s companion over the cup of coffee. They are beautiful in their own way. My favourite poems are while we wait for a new dawn, A trail of impressions, The seeking soul, and a world so real. Not to forget the stunning cover that has my heart.

•No more gloom clouded my mind
As I chose the oath to rebuild the shattered courage•

Love reading poetry? You’ll love this one. A light, breezy read that you can pick. Witness the versions of reality with these enchanting poems.


Poetry is a self-preserved world and has endured for ages. It allows the human brain to pour the most profound emotions, imaginations, desires on paper. As a writer, for me, it was more of meditation, especially during pandemic times. Through this book, I am fulfilling my dream, my passion for writing poetry. The entire collection of poems has different melodious sound written with an open heart. When combined, the most intimate inner working of a mind & soul takes you on an adventures journey. These poems enabled me to appreciate & empathize with the world & its functioning around me.

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