Some Books, stay with us forever, and some stories are precious. While Sudha Murty and K.R. Meera Top my list when it comes to writing style, their books I can pick up any time and fall in love with relationships once again, I discovered a few authors whom I fell in love with, especially their Writing style. The way they portraythe situations, the feelings, and the way they express, themselves makes me crave for their books more and more.
If you want to feel the Magic of stories, here are the Women authors you must read. 7 Women authors Writing styles I fell in love with.
1: Anukriti Upadhyay
Author of three Beautiful Novels like Daura, Bhanuri and Kintsugi, Anukriti’s Books are mind-blowing. With her words, she dwells the readers into another world. Her stories are Magical. The Depth in her words and the way she presents attract me to her books.
Daura: A Novel by Anukrti Upadhyay – Book Review
2: Aditi Banerjee
With three best-selling books like The curse of Gandhari, The Vow of Parvati and Hindu Love stories Aditi Banerjee weaves a gripping, fascinating tale that will astound you. Her words make the readers feel that spark, that happiness, when it comes to the love of Shiva and Shakti, one could feel the Pain of Princess Gandhari. Aditi Banerjee introduces the readers to the unheard stories of Mahabharata, the life of Shiva and Shakti in a beautiful way.
The Vow Of Parvati by Aditi Banerjee – Book Review
3: Srishti Chaudhary
Author of two best-selling Novels, Lallan Sweets and Once upon a curfew, With her witty writing style, Srishti Chaudhary rules the reader’s heart. Her writing style is different and soothing. The sparkle with which she describes the relationship makes me want to read her work more.
Once Upon A Curfew by Srishti Chaudhary – Book Review.
Lallan Sweets by Srishti Chaudhary Published by Penguin India : Book Review.
4: Lata Gwalani
Author of two beautiful Novels Prisoners of Secrets and Road to Abhana, Lata Gwalani beautifully describes the relationships. Both her books are full of depth, with complicated relationships and how life takes turns. The simplicity in her writing style and the way she expresses the emotions is something I love the most about her books.
Road To Abana by Lata Gwalani – Book Review
Prisoners of Secrets by Lata Gwalani – Book Review.
5: Anu Kay
With a blend of Mystery and adventures, Anu Kay’s Like a Radiant Sun is a must-read novel. A book that made me fall in love with her writing style. The details with which she describes is something I liked the most about her books. Looking forward to reading more of her books.
Like The Radiant Sun by Anu Kay – Book Review
6: Sashi Sherpa
With her Debut The Four Blades of Grass, Sashi Sherpa shares the story of four friends and how their lives took turns. The situations they have been through and how friendship and holding each other’s hands made them stronger. Loved the way she focused on an individual’s journey and what happens when they all come together. Her words are strong and will give you goosebumps. I can’t wait to read more books from her.
Four Blades Of Grass by Sashi Sherpa – Book Review
7: Meghna Pant
I love the way she keeps it light and crisp with a tinge of Humour. The wittiness in her writing style makes me love her books more. Author of Boy’s don’t cry, Terrible Horrible, very bad news, How to get published in India, Feminist Rani and others, Meghna Pant weaves beautiful stories. I loved reading terrible, horrible, very bad news book. It’s one of my Favourite.