Author: Aditi Banerjee
Publisher: Bloomsbury India
You will feel an array of emotions while reading this book. It’s an experience of its own. That anger when Daksh ignored Shiva to the smile and love for their union. The bond Narayan and Shiva Shared.
Mythology is my go-to genre. I love reading Indian mythology as it gives a different perspective. We have often heard books about Mahabharata, Ramayana, and Krishna. There are some books on Shiva too. But there are only a few when it comes to Shiva and Shakti. Their relationship, their way of war and a lot more. We have read a lot of Sati, Dakshayani. How she retreated from the world when her husband was not called to the Yagna by her father.
After Sati’s death, there was no one to create Balance in the Universe. The Jagdama, was lost. Narayan felt a presence of strong Shakti and he somewhere knew Sati was reborn. She came to the world as Parvati. Free from every plan, Parvati chooses her own destiny. How will she win her Shiva Back? Here’s a story of Shiva and Shakti and the First Family of Devas.
Aditi Banerjee @abaner01 weaves a gripping, fascinating tale that will astound you. Her words make the readers feel that spark, that happiness for the union of Shiva and Shakti. From Sati’s childhood to her bond with her sisters Saraswati and Lakshmi and her brother-in-law Narayana, her learning days when her Guru thought her about Balance. Her first encounter with Shiva. And how she fell in love with him against the odds. From her Vahana Ceremony to her marriage and her family life, it’s a brilliant book.
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With a crisp, descriptive narrative and enchanting writing style, Aditi dwells the readers in the world of Shiva and Shakti. The way she describes and the events unfold is just a treat for the readers. Sati’s love and Parvati’s Determination for Shiva, how all the devas helped her. The little story of Kama deva was so interesting.
From their family life to the birth of their children, the first family of Deva to how they bonded with their children. The equation between Ganesha and Kartikey, how the parents comforted their kids and helped them. I loved reading about Shiva and Kartikey. The way they bonded was surprising.
You will feel an array of emotions while reading this book. It’s an experience of its own. That anger when Daksh ignored Shiva to the smile and love for their union. The bond Narayan and Shiva Shared.
A love story for the ages.Drawn to beauty, sweetness, and the softer things in life, the young devi Sati is about to choose her vahana, the vehicle that would be the symbol of her identity. But before she can, her world is shaken by the arrival of Rudra, the snake-wearing intoxicated Adi Yogi, who haunts cremation grounds and consorts with wild ganas.When they meet, sparks fly. He is her opposite in every way but all she feels is a strong attraction even as their personalities clash. When family pressure compels Sati to choose her husband, she has to decide whether she can accept the darker, fiercer aspects of herself that Rudra brings out.However, a cataclysmic tragedy forever alters Devaloka, tearing the lovers apart. From the ashes of the aftermath the young devi emerges once more-this time as Parvati. Given a new chance at life, at determining her fate, Parvati makes a fateful vow to win the heart of Rudra. Can she succeed once again?
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