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An escape to the town- Welcome to Aaraampur by Dhruv Nath – Book Review

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  • Post category:Book Review
  • Post last modified:August 11, 2023
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Author: Dhruv Nath
Publisher: Penguin India

Writing Style


Welcome to Aaraampur is a book that tugs at your heartstrings and leaves you with a sense of warmth and contentment. Dhruv captures the essence of Aaraampur making this book a must-read for anyone seeking an escape from reality and a journey into the heart of a charming hillside town.



The small sleepy town kept me awake throughout the afternoon. 

Welcome to Aaraampur is more than just a collection of stories; it’s an invitation to explore the richness of life in a tranquil setting. It’s a reminder of the beauty in simplicity and the significance of relationships that often go unnoticed in the chaos of modern life. Whether you’re seeking a momentary escape or a heartwarming read, Dhruv Nath’s book offers both in abundance. So, step into Aaraampur and let its charm envelop you – you won’t be disappointed.

Welcome to Aaraampur by Dhruv Nath is a delightful and heartwarming literary escape that transports readers to the serene landscapes of Himachal, immersing them in the unique ambience of the sleepy town. Through a collection of engrossing tales, Dhruv invites us to step away from the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse ourselves in the simple yet vibrant lives of the people at Aaraampur.

There’s a new startup in the town, There are elections, The championship, there’s a picnic and there are many quirky events and competitions that made the lives of the people of Aaraampur fun and happening. Dhruv’s writing style is candid and captivating, with a descriptive flair that effortlessly transports readers into the heart of the town. The stories are infused with a blend of laughter, sentiment, and the small joys of everyday life. The author’s ability to seamlessly blend humour with poignant moments adds depth to the narrative, making it a truly engaging read. With the crisp gripping narrative, the book is filled with fun, laughter, and a sense of togetherness that characterizes life in this quaint town.

It’s a smooth-paced read that will excite readers, make them curious as unexpected events take place. Here we celebrate friendship, togetherness and fun. From eyes on the recent entry of the town to the doctor who made the lives of the people difficult, to the crazy competition in the town to the competitive spirit. To help everyone in the town and mentor the young people, Kaptaan Sahib’s Aaraampur is full of love and Happiness.

With a keen eye for detail, the author introduces us to a diverse cast of characters, each with their own quirks and stories that make them relatable and endearing. Each story is a snapshot of life, capturing the essence of the townspeople and the events that shape their days. Dhruv’s characters come alive on the pages, with Kaptaan Sahib and others leaving a lasting impression that lingers long after the book is closed. Each story is interesting and fun to read.

What sets this book apart is its ability to evoke a strong sense of nostalgia and connection. As readers, we can’t help but be reminded of our own hometowns and the memorable moments that define them.  Welcome to Aaraampur is a book that tugs at your heartstrings and leaves you with a sense of warmth and contentment. Dhruv captures the essence of Aaraampur making this book a must-read for anyone seeking an escape from reality and a journey into the heart of a charming hillside town.

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