Authur: Abhishek Talwar
Publisher: Puffin
This book is a combination of fun, adventures and lessons for kids. Each story is amazingly written. A book that you must add on your kid’s shelf.
Biplob the Bumblebee by Abhishek Talwar is a must-read book for kids. Yes, it’s a story of Biplob the Eco-Warrior who comes up with ECO-FRIENDLY And innovative ideas.
With simple stories, Biplob teaches kids important lessons on science and friendships. With intriguing narration and vibrant illustrations, Biplob series is all set to teach children the importance of sharing our planet with all species, telling them about the journey of food from farm to their plates and a lot more.
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With a gripping writing style, The author keeps the kids engaged throughout. I liked the idea behind this series. I liked how the author taught the importance of friendship as well as the environment in an Apt way.
The eye-catching illustrations make this book more interesting. This book is a combination of fun, adventures and lessons for kids. Each story is amazingly written. A book that you must add on your kid’s shelf.
About The Book:
Don’t worry, bee happy–Biplob’s on his way
Biplop is a very busy bumblebee. When he isn’t collecting nectar, he is off on rollicking adventures to save his garden with the help of his friends, farmer Balram and the flowers. From harvesting water to saving baby plants from a dangerous infection, join Biplob as he comes up with innovative ideas that are always eco-friendly. These vibrantly illustrated stories promise to teach kids something new through lessons on science and friendship