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Book Review of The journey of Inspiration by Sunil Pande

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  • Post category:Book Review
  • Post last modified:September 28, 2020
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Author: Sunil Pande
Publisher: Rumour Books India

Travel Writing
Plot / Narrations
Title / Cover Page


The author has a strong message to convey in the form of 10 life-changing lessons. It’s a delightful and light read that you’re going to like. A combination of Mystery, Adventure and lessons for life.



The journey of Inspiration by Sunil Pande published by Rumour Books is an interesting read. It’s a journey of Shree who wants to go the Himalayas in search of Sanjeevani Booti, from his grandma. But how? How will he know about Sanjeevani Booti, will he take a leap of faith just because one unknown sage told him to? Will he find it for his Grandma? Lil did he knew was this adventure is going to teach him a lesson for a lifetime.

Well, from the cover it feels it’s a nonfiction book but No! It has an intriguing storyline filled with mystery and adventures. The vivid backdrop of Uttarakhand and Nature, the author truly describes it’s beauty. From Dombivali to Dehradun, from the beauty of Rishikesh to the Five Prayags, to the Adisaka, everything is just beautifully described by the author.

The plot of the story is interesting. I liked how the author sequenced the events. With each event, the quest of finding Sanjeevani Booti unfolds taking Shree to an amazing adventure. I liked the way the story unfolds, the people Shree came across and the lessons he learned. It’s a story with a Smooth flow and an intriguing Narration.

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The gripping narration and the crisp writing style of the author keeps the reader engaged throughout. It’s a fast pace story until the last few chapters. I wish there were less unnecessary details and the story was not slow-paced there.

I was lil disappointed with the climax too as there were many unanswered questions in my mind. The strong characters developed by the author leaves an impact on the minds of the reader.
I like Professor’s character and of course Shree’s character the most. The other characters too capture the reader’s attention.

I liked how the story turned out to be. The lessons we all must learn. The author has a strong message to convey in the form of 10 life-changing lessons. It’s a delightful and light read that you’re going to like. A combination of Mystery, Adventure and lessons for life.

About the Book:

Will age-old life-lessons stand the test of time and guide a fateful journey? Centuries ago – a sage has composed ten life-lessons in form of couplets that hold the secret to the mystical, life-reviving plant – sanjeevani. The sage has prophesied that in future, a person will learn these lessons which will guide that ‘chosen one’ to sanjeevani.

21st century ad – Shree, a college student, has failed in his exam and his grandmother is in coma after a severe paralytic attack. In a fateful meeting, a stranger assures Shree that the cure for coma lies in the mystical plant sanjeevani, for which Shree will have to embark on a journey to the Himalayas. Shree’s fortuitous journey is going to introduce him to different people; get him involved with sand mafia; take him to a place in the Himalayas hitherto unknown to mankind; and make him fall in love.

The journey is going to be a test of character and mettle. Fate is going to intervene regularly and teach him new life-lessons. Will Shree find all the life-lessons composed centuries ago and be able to connect them to find sanjeevani? How are these ancient life-lessons still relevant in the present-day world? Find out in this gripping tale of a common person’s not-so-common destiny!.

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