About The Author
Prof. Mukesh Sud
Prof. Mukesh Sud is an Indian writer who perspicuously weaves real-life examples in the form of engaging stories. His work/s is a true personification of his expertise gained over three decades of professional experience. His recent book manifests practical solution to the workplace and life problems that oscillates between his entrepreneurial and academic journey. Graduated from Indian Institution of Technology (IIT) Delhi, Sud became an entrepreneur, which was followed by academic profession. He completed his doctoral program at IIM Bangalore. After teaching for 9 years in the US he returned to India where he is currently at IIM Ahmedabad. Currently, Prof. Mukesh Sud is a visiting faculty at Ashoka University, Delhi NCR, and the Naropa Fellowship at Leh. Along with this, he also conducts executive education programmes on Design Thinking and Creating Entrepreneurial Organizations at IIM Ahmedabad.
Priyank Narayan
Priyank Narayan is a seasoned entrepreneur and educationist, who pragmatically brings his rich experience to identify growth prospects in the workplace. Mentoring a number of startups in India and abroad, his book helps readers navigate their future with the help of innovatively designed practical solutions. Harping on his entrepreneurial qualities, his recent book is a guide to exploring opportunities for a thriving career. Priyank Narayan is an alumnus of AIM, Manila, and IIM Ahmedabad, and is currently a visiting faculty at IIT Delhi, Department of Management Studies. Being the Founder of IndiaPreneurship, which identifies Indian entrepreneurial opportunities to the world, he is adept at giving incredible insights for entrepreneurial success which also finds application in the broader sense of life as well.
Q) Tell us about the idea behind the book.
The book has a dedication “For our students, who teach us every day”. Leapfrog emerged for conversations we have been having with our students both at IIMA and Ashoka University. We constantly speak with current students, alums and even recruiters on the kind of skills students need as they enter the workplace. We decided to write a book on what we have learnt both from these conversations and from studying this domain.
Q) How much time did it take in the process of writing?
About three years with a few stops and starts though. We nudged each other by setting deadlines some of which were very difficult to meet. That succeeded in at least moving us forward.
Q) What did the process of writing this book teach you?
Intellectual humility really. It taught us how little we then knew, and still know, about the social science and the nuggets of wisdom it contains. Talking to colleagues who were well versed in these domains made clear to us the limits of our own knowledge. As is said in academia if you want to learn about a field offer a course in it. For us it was writing a book.
Q) What inspired you to write this book?
As academics we are used to writing research papers that get published in scholarly journals. These are typically read by a handful of people mainly fellow academics and our PhD students. We wanted to reach a much wider audience. The social sciences have so much research tucked away that needs to be told. We have used stories and anecdotes to convey this message.
Q) Which is your favourite part of the book?
That’s a difficult one. I find that the epilogue on “Late Bloomers’ was fun researching and it has generated a lot of interest. People realize that their careers are a marathon not a 100 m sprint. You could be in your 30’s, 40’s or even later and yet be discovering what your calling is. I personally began my PhD when I was 42 and picked up my first job in academia at 47.
Q) A book that had an impact on you, which helped you in writing this one?
A number of them, I like Simple Rules: How to Survive in a Complex World by Donald Sull & Kathleen Eisenhardt. We both liked Atomic Habits by James Clear for its simplicity and clear messaging.
Q) Do you have a plan to launch a new book?
Not right now. We are waiting to hear back from our readers before we think of anything further.
Q) How did your life change after the book was published?
One thing that I am awestruck by is the way readers want the book stores and readers want Leapfrog to be signed by the authors. I think the value really lies in the message that book has, we are in some ways just a conduit carrying that message to them.
Q) Three lessons one must always remember in life?
Just one: be intellectually humble and realize that you don’t know what you don’t know. We have subtitled the chapter ‘we are all confident idiots’. Everything else follows from it.
Q) What is a literary success for you?
If people implement some of the practices that work for them, that’s success for us. So we want enough people to buy the book that it goes into a reprint. Then the faith our editor had in us is justified. We are first time authors and absolutely new to publishing.
Q) Describe 3 reasons one must pick up this book?
Again just one reason- Leapfrog will hopefully open your mind to a number of possibilities that you did not even consider. You can learn to nudge yourself, learn to detect and debunk bullshit or think like an entrepreneur.
Q) Any message for all the readers.
Read Leapfrog and critique us. Tell us if what works for you and more importantly what has not. We want to hear from you.
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