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Silent Fires by Poojitha Prasad – Book Review

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  • Post category:Book Review
  • Post last modified:October 9, 2021
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Author: Poojitha Prasad
Publisher: Notion Press

Writing Style


Portraying strong, powerful characters to a perfect mystery, As the layers of mystery unfold, the climax is mind-blowing.


I finished this mind-blowing read today. Silent fires by poojithaprasad published by notionpress.books is filled with mystery.

It’s a story of Inspector Ashish Bhardwaj and his brother Manav who are appointed to solve the case of Shravya Chandra, a wife of film star Arun Chandra who goes missing.

Both the brothers having different personalities have their own hunches while solving this case. Well well, it’s a rollercoaster journey to find the truth.

The plot of the story is intriguing, full of surprising twists. The descriptive narration and the gripping writing style of the author makes the readers curious.

I liked the way the events were taking place, both Ashish and Manav on their own journey of finding the truth. With the blend of love, friendship, betrayal relationship and mystery, it’s a fast-paced book with a smooth flow of words.

Not to forget how the author narrated issues like difficult toxic relationships, domestic abuse, and such other social issues that will give us chills. The climax literally gave me goosebumps.

The characters are well developed by the author. Each of them has a story to tell, a secret to share. Honestly, I loved Manav’s character most. Ashish’s character too was outstanding. Both of them had different personalities and the author wonderfully expressed their perspective.

Portraying strong, powerful characters to a perfect mystery, As the layers of mystery unfold, the climax is mind-blowing. The way it ends will surprise you. Kudos to the author for writing such a powerful book.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Manik Chaturmutha

    The review is too good, very precise, and accurate. The story sounds interesting, Was exactly looking for something like this. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Vidhya Thakkar

      Thank you

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