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The Friend by Sri M With Mohini Kent – Book Review

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  • Post category:Book Review
  • Post last modified:July 26, 2022
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Author: Sri M With Mohini Kent
Publisher: Penguin Random House India Pvt. Ltd.

Writing Style


It’s a light, intriguing read that will be your companion forever. Read it when you feel low or when you are unable to find answers, this book will surely help you.



Well, sometimes we need answers and sometimes reminders. This book is one such book for me. With reminders and answers.

Explained With much clarity and spiritual articulation by Sri M, it’s a book that will truly be a friend to the reader. While Mohini Kent asked Sri M, the questions that triggers each one of us at a certain point in life, Sri M’s replies are like calmness in the chaos.

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With various topics discussed like yoga, friends, influences, self-love, marriage, power and other topics, my favourite one is on attitude, liberation and death and divine self. With a gripping writing style, the way the conversations are described is commendable. There’s depth in each conversation, leading us to a better life I would say, giving us more clarity.

The conversations are friendly, honest and to the point. The way he explains the meanings with examples, the meaning of Om, yoga, pranayama and many other things makes it more interesting.

With each chapter, you gain a different perspective, making us believe in ourselves more.

Overall, it’s a light, intriguing read that will be your companion forever. Read it when you feel low or when you are unable to find answers, this book will surely help you.


Sri M is widely known as a spiritual leader and teacher. However, he believes, for him to truly connect with someone and guide them, they must be friends. In this book, Lady Kent asks him about love, life, religion, marriage, death and everything in between making it a one-stop shop complete collection of Sri M’s teachings and philosophy.
Following the ancient form of a conversation between a guru and disciple, this book is easy to read and relatable for people of all ages.

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Weekend is here and here are the Quotes that I loved from my recent read. The Friend by Sri M with Mohini Kent, Published by @PenguinIndia
‘Tackle the Situations, don’t leave it’. #quotes #books #book #BookTwitter #BookLover #spirituality
Each person is a spark of the divine. There’s no such thing as ‘a common man’. What we all have in common is the capacity to search for the Truth. Ultimately, you are your own master. ~From the book The Friend. #quotes #thefriend #book #BookLover #BookTwitter #spirituality
Faith means to first put Faith in yourself, and then put faith in the one whom you feel confident could guide you. ~From the book The Friend. #quotes #thefriend #book #BookLover #BookTwitter #Spirituality
Don’t run away from battles, instead stay and fight it out with love, affection and understanding. #quote #book #books #spirituality
Find the witness in yourself. NOW. Not tomorrow. Today.right now. One who maintains tranquility and peace in the midst of changing circumstances. In this world of dualities, you will inevitably encounter both highs and lows.
Don’t cling to hurts, hatreds and wounds and keep on fretting. Don’t live in the past. Let go. Clean up the muck, throw it out, create space for new. ALLOW good things to come in, allow yourself the peace to go within.
You look in the mirror but don’t really see yourself as you are. Try and see yourself clearly without prejudice, judgement and without condemning yourself or too much self-criticism. D

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