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A Captivating Collection of Poems – Belief: A Message by Jaydeep Khot – Book Review

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  • Post category:Book Review
  • Post last modified:July 18, 2023
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Author: Jaydeep Khot
Publisher: The Write Place

Writing Style


Belief: A Message by Jaydeep Khot is a captivating collection of poems that will leave readers feeling inspired, introspective, and grateful for the beauty of life. It is a book that can be revisited time and time, offering new insights and perspectives, every time you read. It’s a true gem for poetry enthusiasts seeking motivation and enlightenment. The Books light and captivating nature make it an excellent companion for moments of contemplation and inspiration. If you have a penchant for poetry, give it a chance.



▶️ What’s your favourite quote?

One of my favourite quotes is, ‘ The trouble is you think you have a lot of time’. This quote always motivates me in taking a step ahead towards my dreams without any second thought. My Book 108 of 2023 is one such powerful book filled with inspiring and uplifting poems.

From the moment I saw the captivating cover of the book with the Blues and the Boat, I was drawn to it. The cover serves as a symbolic reminder to trust the flow of life and the cosmic forces guiding us. The poems here encourage us to fly freely towards our dreams, to trust the universe, and to believe in ourselves.

‘Flying like nobody is watching us,

We have dreams to fulfil that are ours.

Believe is the message which is for you,

Believe and trust it as much as you can.

Fly free without feeling scared and sad,

Feeling the air and moving upward,

Enjoying life and enjoying it utmost,

Fly as much as you can, as much as you will.’

Snippets of Poem From the Book Belief A Message by Jaydeep Khot.

Belief: A Message by Jaydeep Khot is a captivating and inspiring collection of poems that breathe life into the beauty of existence and the power of faith. These verses serve as gentle reminders to live passionately, and purposefully, and to cherish the connections we forge. They encourage us to trust in the divine and seek the wisdom embedded in our experiences.

Divided into five parts, the book explores a range of themes, including nature, emotions, and the bonds of family. Each section is carefully crafted to evoke a sense of wonder and reflection, inviting readers to delve deeper into their own experiences and find meaning in the world around them. Through his heartfelt verses, Jaydeep urges us to live passionately, embrace our unique journeys, and be resolute in our endeavours.

He weaves poems filled with optimism, love, and a zest for life, encouraging readers to embrace the present moment fully. Jaydeep inspires us to chase our dreams relentlessly, as time waits for no one, and to celebrate the love and connections within our families. Here we have a messenger who carries a message from the universe for the situations we face. These poems convey messages of devotion, positivity, faith, peace, trust, and the value of patience, persistence, and hard work.

Jaydeep’s writing style is simple yet captivating. The poems are raw, honest and hit the right chord making them relatable and resonant. As you delve deeper into the book, each poem brings more and more positivity to life. The author explores various topics, including breaking free from monotonous routines and discovering our true potential. Among the collection, one of my favourites is a poem dedicated to the bond between family and father.

Throughout the book, there is a sense of spirituality that runs deep. The poems touch upon themes of faith, trust, and the divine. Jaydeep’s portrayal of these concepts is both personal and universal, offering readers a glimpse into their own spiritual journeys and the power of belief in navigating life’s challenges.

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Belief: A Message by Jaydeep Khot is a captivating collection of poems that will leave readers feeling inspired, introspective, and grateful for the beauty of life. It is a book that can be revisited time and time, offering new insights and perspectives, every time you read. It’s a true gem for poetry enthusiasts seeking motivation and enlightenment. The Books light and captivating nature make it an excellent companion for moments of contemplation and inspiration. If you have a penchant for poetry, give it a chance.

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