Dear God, I am Trying. #BlogchatterA2z #AtoZchallenge

Own it.
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me’. Erma Bombeck

Dear God,

This is not the first time I am writing to you, I have had endless talks with you. Sometimes I just hate you, Sometimes I just love you, there’s No way in between. What remains constant is I trust you in good and bad times.

Letter to god, thank you god, i am learning, God, letters, letters of love, letter to god quotes, god, life lessons, thank you god, letters to god, thank you letter, blogchatter a 2 z, letter#atozchallenge-#blogchattera2z-vidhya-thakkar, love without expectation, love without expectations, love, letters of love, blogchatter, atoz challenge, Blogchattera2z, letters, atoz challenge, blogchatter a2z, blogchatter a2z challenge, reading, blogchatter challenge, a to z challenge, letters to love, vidhyathakkar, vidhya thakkar

Most of the times I came to you with complaints, this time I am here to say Thank you! Thank you for the things you made me learn. Thank you for silently being there when I had no one else.

You were, you are and you will always be present in all my happiness, in my every small achievement. How can I forget the times you were there in some or the other form to help me. Every time I hated you, you gave me a reason to smile, make me understand, that the life you gave is beautiful, there will be roses as well as thrones, Know how to handle it.

Thank you for trusting me when I doubted myself.

Trust yourself a lil bit more
That’s what you have always taught me. Thank you for all the good and bad intutitions you gave from the start. there were the times when I never trusted them and you made me learn to feel them, trust them.

You yourself can find the light in the darkness, I will be there to guide you, but it’s you who have to find the path. That’s what you always said, right? Thank you for showing the ray of hope, in the darkness. For supporting me and not simply giving me what I wantied. Thank you for teaching me that I have to strive to own thigns.

Thank you for being there when I lost all the hopes, for being there when no one else was, For making me believe in myself once again. You have shown the good times and the bad times making me learn to value every moment.

Thank you for listeining to all my weird thoughts, to all my talks when I am angry or super happy. In the times when I didn’t wanted to speak to anyone, you became the silent listener. when I was too hard to hanle, you silently made me strong to handle the situations.

Thank you for giving me the strength at peak times. For making me weak at the happy times. For giving that happy tears of love. For breaking my heart, letting me know who’s the right one for me. thank you for making me learn to let go.

Dear God, Thank you for making me a better version of me. I am trying to learn everything you’re teaching.
I am Learning, Still learning, Thank You for being my best teacher for Life.


This Post Has 31 Comments

  1. Vartika

    Beautifully penned

    1. vidhya thakkar

      Thank youuu

  2. Priyanka Nair

    Another beautiful letter, expressing gratitude to god.

    1. vidhya thakkar

      Thank youuu

      1. Ujjwal mishra

        Gratitude is very important in life. Specially towards what we have and take for granted. Wonderful way to thank the Almighty for what we have and can have.

        1. vidhya thakkar

          Thank youuu

  3. Akanksha

    So much to be thankful for! Helps keep mind sorted! Great letter!

    1. vidhya thakkar

      Thank youuu

  4. kushal

    Beautifully Expresed….!

    1. vidhya thakkar

      Thank youuu

  5. Aditi Kapur

    Good one ?

  6. Manas Mukul

    Wonderful chain of thoughts. Just believe its you and you only. What if there is no God at the end. So give it your best and do it for yourself.
    #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia

  7. Jeanine Byers

    What a beautiful post! Thanks for sharing it.

  8. Darshana Sarmah

    your letters are just touching..

    1. vidhya thakkar

      Thank youuu

  9. Deepika

    I can feel the purity of the thoughts through your posts. Whatever you write, you always write with honesty. This is the beautiful thing about your writing and I love it. You are the obedient baccha of The God. Another heart touching letter.

    1. vidhya thakkar

      Hehs thankk youu!! Means alot

  10. Noor Anand Chawla

    You really echoed my thoughts!

    1. vidhya thakkar

      Thank youuu

  11. Martha

    What a wonderful letter. God is always great!

    1. vidhya thakkar

      thank youuu

  12. Rashmi

    Don’t forget to express gratitude for this wonderful life and be the best version of what you are! Beautiful one Vidhya ?

    1. vidhya thakkar

      thankk youuu

  13. Reema D'souza

    That is beautiful letter to God.

    1. vidhya thakkar

      thank youu

  14. ginia

    eloquently written. I also have personal conversations with god which helps me go on in stressful times.

  15. Siddhi

    Vidhya I love how you have infused your the lettering challenge with these letters.

    1. vidhya thakkar

      hehehe thank youu

  16. Dipika

    I seriously believe the biggest and greatest virtue of life is being thankful and keep trying. You have put is so well, loved reading the post and understanding your POV.

    1. vidhya thakkar

      Thank youuu

  17. Aditi Kapur

    Enjoyed reading your AtoZ series. Good luck for the next venture ?

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