Health is wealth!
Following a healthy routine is not easy. Smart changes could bring health and happiness with little efforts. Do you think following a healthy routine keeps our body energised throughout the day?
Tell me your One of the most important healthy routine that keeps your body energised?
In our hectic schedule and the rapid lifestyle it is very important to keep ourselves healthy, isn’t it? No doubt nowadays we don’t have that type of purity in food and healthy lifestyle that was present in our parents time. We are now surrounded by lifestyle diseases and issues like heart attack, depression, diabetes, anxiety on the ride.
some little changes in your lifestyle can go long way in keeping our body healthy and energized. Here are they.
1: Switch to Green tea.
Start having green tea. It not only helps in reducing weight but also improves metabolism. It keeps one fresh and one feels relaxed. A cup of green tea a day keeps dizziness away. There are many more benefits of green tea which helps in keeping our body energised.
Well, wonder how to get a perfect green tea while you travel? all you need is Instacuppa’s Tea Travel Mug.
2: A small walk.
Take a small walk in the break while you’re at the office. Stand for a while. Also, every day, walk at least for half an hour. it helps in keeping our body fresh and solves maximum problems.
3: Do not Skip Breakfast.
No matter how late you’re for your office or any work. Do not skip your breakfast. It’s the most important
4: Try to sleep early.
The more you sleep, the fresher you’re next day. we’ve heard this all our life from our parents, isn’t it? getting perfect sleep is the most important thing for our body.
5: Talk to each other and not on the phone.
This one is difficult, but the best one. Spend more time with family. Talk to them, enjoy their company. Keep your phone aside for sometime. It’s the best thing to improve your lifestyle and keep your mind healthy.
6: Stay positive.
Stay positive in each and every situation. A positive mind is
7: Work on your hobby.
Do what you love. take up any hobby. Enjoy the time that you spend doing what you love. dedicate atleast 10-15 minutes to your hobby.
8: Last but not least, SMILE :)
Have a smile on your face. This little effort will keep you and the people around you fresh and positive.
Tell me about your hacks to stay positive and healthy in comments.
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Vidhya these are great tips to get through the day without getting tired. Will try to follow.
Vidhya mam i am also following same routine
Looses 2 kgs in a month hopefully it keep continue till i came 60 kgs
We chubby ppl can breathe now
Thanks for the tips
Hi Vidya.
All the tips you have mentioned are perfect for a healthy lifestyle. I also try to follow most of them. One more thing that has helped me stay positive in times of negativity is gardening. It helps a lot to give a bright and cheery beginning to the day.
I love the list you have curated here. These ways are indeed very helpful and have a positive impact on life. I have experienced.
Totally agree with all the points mentioned for living a healthy Lifestyle..Lot of health issues are there because of our poor eating habits and sedentry lifestyle .Nice post ?
It’s really important that we start early making small changes in our lifestyle. Nicely written post.
Vital pointers for good health and well being in today’s hectic world. Lifestyle modification is a must to stay healthy. But most often we keep forgetting and rely only on medication to help restore our health.
Your listicle is a much needed reminder for all…
you have pointed out some realistic and doable pointers Vidhya.
Well pointed elements for healthy routine. I feel all are quite doable points.
Working on your hobby works like a charm it does keep us energised through the day. Nice post.
These tips are indeed useful and I have myself applied these in my day to day life. Totally worth it.
Great points got together. They are easy to read but difficult to follow, but once u align sky is the limit.
SImple yet effective tips for a healthy lifestyle. Health is the real wealth indeed.