Author: Amitav Ganguly
Publisher: Notion Press
Mobile phone Butcheries and Modern Bloodshed are my favourite stories. Each story has its own journey, its own experience that the readers will witness. Want to read some thrilling stories? Do not skip this book. A book you can read this weekend. An interesting read.
Ten X murders for the mind is a collection of 10 crime and detection stories about various complex crimes and the ingenuity of detective inspector Samsher Brahma and his team in Solving them.
Each story has a mind-blowing plot filled with exciting narration. The author captures the reader’s attention and makes them curious about what will happen next.
Also Read: Interview with Amitav Ganguly : Author of TenX murders for the mind.
The stories have a surprising element, a different climax and a unique case to solve for inspector Samsher. I loved the way the events were sequenced.
The author shares stories about Criminal Legacies, Mobile phone butcheries and many others. I loved how intelligently the inspector investigated, the meandering confessions, detection through timings of crimes was exciting.
It’s a smooth paced story with an engaging writing style and a crisp narration. The complex plots will dwell the readers into an amazing mystery. Mobile phone Butcheries and Modern Bloodshed are my favourite stories. Each story has its own journey, its own experience that the readers will witness.
Want to read some thrilling stories? Do not skip this book. A book you can read this weekend. An interesting read.
This collection of crime and detection stories sets out various complex crimes and the ingenuity of Detective Inspector Samsher Brahma and his team, in solving them.
There are murders of rage, vengeance, and greed. A killer creates a fictitious persona, poisons are used innovatively, and exceptional alibis are crafted through TVs and voice mimics. Successions of enormous wealth spawn unique crime motives, and mobile phones make a one-of-a-kind background for butchery. Meandering confessions, detections through “timings of crimes,” a schizophrenic man’s murder, a mythical werewolf’s killings, and uncovering an assassin in subtle supernatural circumstances, round up these amazing stories.
Every story has its own inimitable experience of use of intellectual efforts and meticulous investigation.