To my Secret Keeper, Dear Diary- A letter for You – #Blogchattera2z #AtoZchallenge

Scattered with the dust all around, tied with the rope,

there she found, The letters of love.

the letters she always wanted to send :)

Here’s to my Secret keeper, Dear Diary,

Thank you.

Thank you for listening to all my thoughts with patience. When I just stared at you and you stared back with a hope that I will write something and lighten my heart.

There were so many Crumpled papers, There were tears, tears of joy as well as anger. There were times when I just wrote a line and tore the page. There were times when I filled the page with my signature. There were times when I filled it with weird drawings or just scribbles.

Dear diary, thank you for keeping my desires, my wishes and my unspoken words safe.

Thank you for being my empty canvas, letting me fill it with the colours I love. With the worst handwriting that I have. For the time when I just filled you with love when I was excited, telling you what all happend, to the time when I just furiously poured my heart out there.

For writing my daily thoughts to maintaining a calendar, you were there to witness this growth. you saw me at my worst, you saw me when things were changing, when I changed.

Thank you for being someone whom I can always come back to.

Dear diary, a letter to diary, diary- a secret keeper, secret keeper, diaries, diary, diary quote, diary quotes,   thank you letter, blogchatter a 2 z, letter#atozchallenge-#blogchattera2z-vidhya-thakkar, love without expectation, love without expectations, love, letters of love, blogchatter, atoz challenge, Blogchattera2z, letters, atoz challenge, blogchatter a2z, blogchatter a2z challenge, reading, blogchatter challenge, a to z challenge, letters to love, vidhyathakkar, vidhya thakkar

someone who will keep the treasure of my thoughts secret. someone who will just listen, someone who will make me calm. someone who will notice my changing emotions.Thank you for patiently waiting till I finish to write.

And sorry too! sorry that I burned you everytime the pages were over, hence the secret lies between us!



This Post Has 44 Comments

  1. Hackytips

    I used to write dairy when I was in college. It had everything about my new crushes, friendship fights.. Unfortunately, I lost it and I wonder who all might have read it :D Great post Vidhya!

  2. Akanksha

    Diary is where almost all of us started. Diary took in everything we wrote, as a kid. The diary ahs kept my childhood safe. Thank you, dear diary. Great Post!

    1. Sonia Chatterjee

      Writing a diary is what kept me from crumbling down after I lost my mother. You have written a beautiful letter. I only wish that the diary stayed and was not burnt.

      1. vidhya thakkar

        Hehe thank youuu! I have few diaries in which i wrote poems.

        1. Shelly

          Share some of your poems if you like !! I will be glad to read those writings. 😌

  3. Suhasini

    Nice gesture to recognize diary’s importance and to write a letter to it too

  4. Priyanka Nair

    Great post Vidhya, reminded me of my teenage, when i started maintaining a daily diary, I still do :)

  5. Rashi Roy

    How much I miss writing diary. Lovely memories. I wish I can do it again. Great post.

  6. Sitharaam Jayakumar

    Writing a diary is a special experience though I have never tried it out myself. Sooner or later a diary becomes a close friend playing the role of a confidante and a guide. When you tell a diary your innermost thoughts and feelings and you read the stuff back the diary actually replies to you as reading what you have written makes you reflect. This way a diary becomes a friend who speaks back when spoken to. And there is nothing like an actual diary. None of these modern electronic diaries can ever replace the one made of paper.

  7. Abhijit

    Maintaining a diary is a good habit. Eventually one can learn to clearly express their inner feelings and doubts in the privacy of their diary pages. Many a time reading a diary, though it is strictly against privacy, gives an idea about mental state of the writer. It is kind of like modern day blogging, or Facebook page. Only difference between diary is strictly for the owner, unless he / she decides to share.

  8. jhilmil

    Such an interesting read this is

    1. vidhya thakkar

      thankkkk youuu

  9. Trapti

    Lovely article!!!!

    1. vidhya thakkar

      thankk youuuu

  10. Reema D'souza

    That’s lovely letter to your diary. There was a time when I used to write a diary back when I was a teenager. Just like you I used to write every little thing in the diary and I destroyed the pages when what I’d written was supposed to be a secret. This post of yours brought back memories.

    1. vidhya thakkar

      thankk youuu

      1. Aditi Kapur

        Lovely post, enjoyed reading!

        1. vidhya thakkar

          Thank youu

  11. Vartika Gakhar

    I still have my diary from school days where I scribble my heart out.

    1. vidhya thakkar

      thankk youu

  12. ujjwal mishra

    I had a very funny experience about maintaining a diary, In first year of hostel I started keeping a diary and wrote about laziness of my roommate in detail, and in my absence she read it all… OMG… you must have understood what followed.

    1. vidhya thakkar

      awww thankk youuu

  13. Debi Walter

    I have kept a “journal” as I call it, since 1989. It holds my heart as I often tell others. I love how it helps me connect the dots of God’s faithfulness to me through the years. So often we miss it because we forget the secrets we whispered in prayer to Him. But through journaling He has often shown me the connection which causes me to love and praise Him all the more. His faithfulness is astounding.
    Thanks for this great post revealing what a diary means to so many of us.

    1. vidhya thakkar

      So true!! Thank youuu

  14. Roy A Ackerman, PhD, EA

    That’s the ticket to keeping things secret. Burn after reading.

    1. vidhya thakkar

      hehe yess

  15. Harjeet Kaur

    That’s a very nice letter you have written Vidhya. Diaries are so personal. I never had that personal space to maintain a diary and never got into the habit later on. I am sure it is very therapeutic to put everything down on paper.

  16. Shubhra Rastogi

    Writing a diary is such a good habit. I used to do this when in school and college. Though now the frequency has reduced. I remember I had one with a cute little lock and key. Trust me it does hold a lot many secrets.

  17. Rashmi

    Lovely letter! Great that you find solace in pouring out all your emotions in your diary. Hope you have kept your dairy also alive.

  18. Manas Mukul

    Before blogging and digital things came into existence, dairy was best friend to so many. Nice post.

  19. kushal

    Journaling/writing diary is a great healing tool apart from being a great listener and an awesome friend. And you have expressed all of this and more so beautifully in ur post…

    1. vidhya thakkar

      thank youu

  20. Deepika

    I used to write a diary in my school and college days. I have a special diary for my favourite songs. I wrote the lyrics and then practised it. At that time I remembered the lyrics of all my favourite songs. Memories refreshed.

  21. PraGun

    In today’s digital time your post reminded me of my locked diary days. I use to chat, share, talk to my diary but sadly slowly my sophisticated nomadic life left me with lost diaries and I stopped. Your post bought memories of this beautiful hobby which is losing craze & charm.

    1. vidhya thakkar

      heheh true! I still have a lock diary

  22. Amrita

    What a perfect way to have a secret keeper.

    1. vidhya thakkar

      thankkk yoouuu

  23. Siddhi

    This is all.of us ever!

    1. vidhya thakkar


  24. anupriya

    I have always been someone, that despite being someone who came across as an extrovert, I was often aloof and had a lot of emotions bottled within me. It was then that I retorted to a diary. Not much has changed, just that the emotional baggage has lightened up. thanks to my habit of keeping a diary. I have improved a lot on my coping mechanism.

    1. vidhya thakkar

      I am the same. when it comes to expressing myself, I always go back to my diary

  25. Dipika

    Would you believe if I say, diary never loved me back the way I loved it? I have tried maintaining a diary many times, but the next time it will be in shreds for sounding so bizarre. Phew…

    1. vidhya thakkar

      Hahaha happened with me too many times

  26. Abhishek

    I wish I would have a same relationship with my diary too, like you have with yours ! First time visited this blog and in love with this.
    Thank you!

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