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A Book that will give you a literary hangover – The Ocean is Her title by Manjima Misra – Book Review

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  • Post category:Book Review
  • Post last modified:January 27, 2024
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Author: Manjima Misra

Writing Style


Powerful, gripping storyline, well-developed characters, and a brilliant narrative, Manjima Misra weaves an amazing tale that makes us witness reality. If I could describe this book in one word it would be ‘literary hangover’. Vibrant, complex, imaginative and interesting – Manjima Misra weaves a tale of love, friendship, politics and literature unearthing the complexity of daily life.


“That is what literature does, it holds space for our vast, expansive souls.”


If I could describe this book in one word it would be ‘literary hangover’. Vibrant, complex, imaginative and interesting – Manjima Misra weaves a tale of love, friendship, politics and literature unearthing the complexity of daily life.

The Ocean is her title by Manjima Misra is a story of Poulomi, who is hospitalized at a psychiatric unit, in Ocean’s hospital. The story starts interestingly as the doctors discover her diary where she writes letters to Jay her boyfriend. In her letters, they find her emotional state of mind. Poulomi suffers from bipolar disorder and often finds herself in complex situations. I loved how Manjima unveils Poulomi’s personality layer by layer in each chapter making the story intense and beautiful.

While we discover Poulomi’s life and the politics that happen around her, we see how on the other hand her father tries to find her lover Jay. The way Manjima shares Poulomi’s interests like Taylor Swift’s songs, the effect of Temples with Goddesses, her love for nature and her perspective when it comes to god, makes it more engrossing. The plot of the story is complex and captivating demanding the complete attention of the readers. It will take a little time to absorb and get hold of the story. Once hooked, it’s vast and beautiful just like the ocean.

Manjima’s writing is immersing and thought-provoking keeping the reader invested in it. The way she delves into Poulomi’s life and the way the situation unfolds is tricky and exciting. She tries keeping it light and relevant adding the little moments like relating it to the movie, songs which I enjoyed reading the most.

The characters are strong and brilliantly developed, each of them adding depth to the story. Be it Poulomi’s connection with Jay or the bond between her and Agatha, everything adds charm to the story. We have always heard that Literature heals people and here with Poulomi’s story, we experience one. It’s an emotional read where we witness Poulomi’s internal struggles, the situations that take a toll on her mental health and the way she floats in it. The way Manjima develops Poulomni’s character – strong, fearless, powerful, and romantic is commendable.

Another thing that stayed with me was the conversation between the father and the daughter. Loved the way the events were shaped and while we start knowing Jay Manjari rolls the dice adding a twist which once again will leave you awestruck. It’s a raw, honest and mesmerizing read that will stay with you for a long time.

I loved reading about Poulomi the Wonder Woman who sailed through the tide and how life happened. The climax is cinematic!

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